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IB ACIO 2025 Exam

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About IB ACIO Exam

IB Recruitment 2022 Notification: Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has released a detailed IB ACIO 2022 Notification PDF to select eligible candidates for the post of Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Grade-I & II/ Executive, JIO-I& II/ Executive, and other posts in the Intelligence Bureau. IB ACIO Executive & JIO Executive is considered a premium job opportunity in the Intelligence Bureau. It is General Central Service, Group ‘C’ (Non-gazetted, NonMinisterial) post. For the year 2022, IB has released 766 vacancies for Assistant Central Intelligence Officer-I/Executive, ACIO-II/ Executive, JIO-I/ Executive, JIO-II/Executive, Halwai-cum-Cook, Caretaker, and other posts to be filled on a deputation basis/absorption basis. 

IB ACIO Exam Date

Candidates who are preparing for IB ACIO 2022 exam must know all the important dates related to the recruitment process. It includes application form dates, admit card availability, IB ACIO 2022 exam date etc that candidates should keep in mind to avoid missing any deadline. Important dates related to IB ACIO 2022 are listed below:

Events Important Dates
Notification Released 22 June 2022
Application form begins 22 June 2022
Last date to apply online 19 August 2022
Exam date 2022 To be announced
Result declaration To be Announced

IB ACIO Eligibility

The officers under the Central Police Organizations or State Police Organizations or Defence Forces can apply for IB Recruitment 2022. To be eligible for IB Recruitment Exam 2022, the candidates must have the required eligibility criteria as mentioned in the IB ACIO Notification 2022 and the same has been discussed below- 


The candidates must be citizens of India to be eligible for the IB Recruitment 2022. They must have relevant document proof in support of their claim, being citizens of India. 

Intelligence Bureau Education Qualification

The candidate must hold a Bachelor’s Degree/Graduation Degree from a recognized University to be eligible to apply for IB ACIO/JIO 2022 Exam. 

For Halwai Cum Cook, the candidates must be an 8th or 10th pass. 

For Security Assistant, the candidate must be 10th pass. 

For detailed education qualifications & eligibility, refer to the detailed IB Recruitment notification pdf

Intelligence Bureau Experience

For the following posts, the Intelligence Bureau required minimal experience as tabulated below. 

Name of Post Experience Required
Assistant Central Intelligence Officer-I/ Executive (Group-B) two years’ experience in security or intelligence work.
Assistant Central Intelligence Officer-II/Executive two years’ experience in security or intelligence work.
Junior Intelligence Officer-I/Executive five years’ service in the grade rendered after appointment
Junior Intelligence Officer-II/Executive five years’ service in the grade rendered after appointment
Junior Intelligence Officer-I (Motor Transport) with five years’ regular service in the grade rendered after appointment
Junior Intelligence Officer-Grade-II (Motor Transport) with five years’ regular service in the grade rendered after appointment
Security Assistant (Motor Transport) with 3 years regular service in Pay band-1, Grade Pay of Rs. 1900; or
with 6 years regular service in Pay band-1, Grade Pay of Rs. 1800; and 
Experience for driving a motor car for at least one year after obtaining valid driving license.
Halwai Cum Cook preferably 2 years in a Govt. Department or Undertaking and possessing the above qualification

Intelligence Bureau Age Limit

Candidates should not exceed the age of 56 years as of the date of closing of the application process. The upper age limit is relaxed for candidates belonging to reserved categories has been tabulated below-

Name of Post Maximum Age Limit
Assistant Central Intelligence Officer-I/ Executive (Group-B) 56 years
Assistant Central Intelligence Officer-II/Executive
Junior Intelligence Officer-I/Executive
Junior Intelligence Officer-II/Executive
Security Assistant/Executive
Junior Intelligence Officer-I (Motor Transport)
Junior Intelligence Officer-Grade-II (Motor Transport)
Security Assistant (Motor Transport)
Junior Intelligence Officer-II/Tech 65 years

IB ACIO Vacancy

Intelligence Bureau Vacancy 2022 has announced 766 vacancies for the post of Assistant Central Intelligence Officer-I/Executive, ACIO-II/ Executive, JIO-I/ Executive, JIO-II/Executive, Halwai-cum-Cook, Caretaker, and other posts. Check post-wise vacancy distribution from here. 

Name of Post No. of vacancies
ACIO-I/ Executive 70
ACIO-II/ Executive 350
JIO-I/ Executive 50
JIO-II/ Executive 100
SA/ Executive 100
SA/MT 20
Halwai-cum-Cook 09
Caretaker 05
JIO-II/Tech 07
Total  766

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IB ACIO Admit Card

IB ACIO 2022 Admit card download link will be released prior 10 to 15 days of the examination on the official website of the Ministry of Home Affairs. The IB ACIO admit card will have all the information required from candidates on the exam day. 

IB ACIO Salary

The pay scale of Assistant Central Intelligence Officer in the Intelligence Bureau & Central Govt Allowance for all posts has been tabulated below. The detailed information of the pay scale is given below.

Name of Post Salary
Assistant Central Intelligence Officer-I/ Executive (Group-B) Level 8 of the pay matrix Rs. 47,600-1,51,100 as per 7th CPC
Assistant Central Intelligence Officer-II/Executive Level 7 of the pay matrix (Rs. 44,900-1,42,400)
Junior Intelligence Officer-I/Executive Level 5 of the pay matrix Rs. 29,200-92,300 as per 7th CPC
Junior Intelligence Officer-II/Executive Level 4 (Rs. 25,500- 81,100) in the pay matrix as per the 7th CPC
Security Assistant/Executive Level 3 (Rs.21,700 – 69,100) in the Pay Matrix as per the 7th CPC
Junior Intelligence Officer-I (Motor Transport) Level 5 of the pay matrix Rs. 25500-81100 as per 7th CPC
Junior Intelligence Officer-Grade-II (Motor Transport) Level 4 of the pay matrix Rs. 21700-69100 as per 7th CPC
Security Assistant (Motor Transport) Level 3 of the pay matrix Rs. 21700-69100 as per 7th CPC
Halwai Cum Cook Level 3 of the pay matrix Rs. 21,700-69,100 as per 7th CPC
Caretaker Level 5 (Rs. 29200-92300) in the pay matrix as per the 7th CPC
Junior Intelligence Officer-II/Tech Level 4 of the pay matrix Rs. 25500-81100
as per the 7th CPC

IB ACIO Selection

IB ACIO selection process is done on the basis of the marks scored in all three tiers. The first stage of selection process of IB ACIO Grade-II officers is the Computer Based Test. Those who will achieve the minimum cut off marks will get selected for the second round i.e Descriptive exam and Interview. Candidates appearing in the interviews may be subject to a psychometric/Aptitude test which will be a part of the Interview. 

Selection Process Details
Stage 1 (CBT)

Type - Objective Type Questions

Total marks - 100

Stage 2 (comprehension and précis writing)

Type - Descriptive Exam

Total marks - 50

Stage 3 (Interview) Total marks - 100

IB ACIO Syllabus

The first and foremost step to crack this prestigious competitive exam is to understand the IB ACIO Syllabus and exam pattern. Without knowing the syllabus, one cannot prepare a proper study plan, let alone crack the IB ACIO exam. So, check out the IB ACIO syllabus provided here, as it will give you a detailed apprehension of each section and help you strategize your preparation accordingly.

Maths Reasoning English General Knowledge
Distance & Time,
Profit loss & Discount,
Ratio Proportion,
Boat & Stream,
CI & SI,
Mixture & Allegation,
Alphabet Test,
Arithmetic Reasoning,
Blood Relation,
Coding decoding,
Distance direction test
Synonyms & Antonyms,
Spotting Error,
Para Jumble,
Reading Comprehension,
Cloze Test,
Sentence Improvement,
fill in the blanks,
Spelling Error,
Idiom & Phrase,
One-word Substitution
Current Affairs,
Indian Polity & Constitution, Science & Technology,
General Science,
Economy & Finance, Geography,

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IB ACIO Exam Pattern

The exam pattern of  IB ACIO consists of 2 tier examinations where Tier 1 involves 5 different subjects, and Tier 2 is a descriptive test. There is a negative marking of 1/4 mark for every incorrect answer. Candidates must note that they must score equal to or more than the cut off marks to qualify for the next stage. The cut-off or minimum passing marks for each tier is decided by the conducting authority depending on the difficulty of the test and number of vacancies released. Take a look at the detailed IB ACIO exam pattern below.

Tiers Subjects No. of Questions Marks Time
Tier 1

General Awareness

20 100 marks 1 hour

Quantitative Aptitude

Logical Ability & Reasoning 20
English Language 20
General Studies 20
Tier 2 (Descriptive Test) Precis and English Comprehension - 30 1 hour
Essay - 20
Tier 3 Interview - 100  -

IB ACIO How to Apply

The apply online link for IB ACIO is made available from 22 June 2022 till 19 August 2022. The applicants must check their eligibility criteria and fill up the application form before the last dates. Candidates before they proceed to fill out the IB ACIO Apply Online can have a look at the step-by-step application process in order to avoid any error or last-minute hassle. Below mentioned are the step on how to apply for IB ACIO 2022.

Steps to apply online for the IB ACIO Exam 
  • Download the application form/notification. The direct link to download will be mentioned above.
  • Or visit the official website of the Intelligence Bureau.
  • Click on the link shown on the home page.
  • Fill in the required details in the application form like name, educational qualification, age, etc.
  • Ensure that the information filled is accurate and valid.
  • Pay the required application fee.
  • Take a printout of the IB ACIO 2022 application form once you have paid the application fee.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) IB ACIO Exam

Q. What is the Syllabus of IB ACIO Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest syllabus of the IB ACIO exam. The syllabus of IB ACIO comprises the topics and sub-topics under sections, Knowledge of IB ACIO syllabus helps candidates to focus on their preparation and important areas of each subject.
Q. What is pattern of IB ACIO Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest exam pattern of the IB ACIO exam . The pattern of comprises the subject wise pattern and no. of questions will come in exam, go to our article section of exam pattern for more details.
Q. Which is the best Mock test series for the IB ACIO Exam?
A. At Studyclap, candidates can practice a complete set of Mock Test Series, along with a free mock test designed by our well qualified and expert faculty Team.
Q. How to prepare for the IB ACIO Exam?
A. To prepare for IB ACIO exam, candidates should go through the exam syllabus and exam pattern, solve mock tests, practice previous years' question papers. Try to clear the concepts of each and every topic rather than cramming. Set a time to go over the chapters, Differentiate weak areas and work to improve them. Solve puzzles to improve logical skill.
Q. How to Download IB ACIO Exam Syllabus PDF?
A. Candidates can download IB ACIO exam syllabus PDF from our website for free. Candidates need to only register with us to download the exam syllabus.

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