Find Study Abroad Universities and Programs

Study Abroad

Study Abroad provides students with the opportunity to pursue their education in a new and exciting environment. With the variety of universities and programs available, there is an option for every student. However, students should be aware of the requirements, costs, and potential challenges before embarking on this journey.

Studying abroad refers to the act of pursuing educational opportunities in a foreign country. This can include studying at a university or college, attending language courses, or participating in cultural exchange programs. The benefits of studying abroad can include exposure to new cultures and perspectives, language immersion, and academic and personal growth. It can also enhance job prospects and opportunities for future international travel and work.

To study abroad, students typically need to research and select a program, apply to the program, obtain necessary visas and travel documents, and secure funding for tuition, travel, and living expenses. Students should also be prepared for cultural differences and potential challenges associated with living in a foreign country.

There are many options available for studying abroad, including exchange programs, direct enrollment programs, and third-party programs. Exchange programs involve swapping places with a student from another university, while direct enrollment programs involve enrolling directly in a foreign university or college. Third-party programs are often organized by external organizations and may offer additional support services to students.

When selecting a study abroad program, students should consider factors such as location, cost, duration, language requirements, academic offerings, and cultural opportunities. It is also important to research safety and security considerations, as well as the reputation of the program or institution.

Overall, studying abroad can be a valuable and transformative experience, but it requires careful planning and preparation. With the right resources and support, students can make the most of this unique opportunity to learn and grow in a foreign country.

Why Study Abroad?

There are many compelling reasons why students may choose to study abroad, including:

  1. Exposure to new cultures: Studying abroad provides the opportunity to immerse oneself in a new culture, learn about different customs and traditions, and gain a new perspective on the world.
  2. Language immersion: Studying in a foreign country provides the opportunity to practice and improve language skills by interacting with native speakers and studying in a language immersion environment.
  3. Academic and personal growth: Studying abroad can challenge students academically and personally, allowing them to develop new skills, gain independence, and increase self-confidence.
  4. Career advantages: Studying abroad can enhance a student's resume and make them more attractive to employers, especially in fields that require international experience or language skills.
  5. Travel opportunities: Studying abroad provides the opportunity to travel and explore new destinations, which can broaden one's understanding of different cultures and global issues.
  6. Networking opportunities: Studying abroad provides the opportunity to build a network of international contacts, which can be valuable for future career and personal opportunities.
  7. Personal enrichment: Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience, allowing students to broaden their horizons, develop new interests, and make lifelong friendships.

What to Study Abroad?

There are many different types of education opportunities available for students who wish to study abroad, including:

  1. Undergraduate programs: Undergraduate programs are typically four-year degree programs that provide students with a broad foundation in a particular field of study. Students can choose from a wide range of majors and minors, depending on their interests and career goals.
  2. Graduate programs: Graduate programs are typically 1-2 year programs that provide students with specialized knowledge and training in a particular field. These programs may include master's degrees, doctoral programs, and professional degree programs.
  3. Language programs: Language programs provide students with the opportunity to study a foreign language in a language immersion environment. These programs may range from short-term language courses to full-year language programs.
  4. Study tours: Study tours are short-term programs that allow students to study a particular topic or subject in a foreign country. These programs typically last a few weeks to a few months and are often focused on cultural, historical, or social topics.
  5. Internships: Internships provide students with the opportunity to gain professional experience in a foreign country. These programs may be offered through universities or third-party organizations and typically require students to work for a local company or organization.
  6. Cultural exchange programs: Cultural exchange programs provide students with the opportunity to live with a host family, attend a local school, and participate in cultural activities in a foreign country. These programs are often designed for high school students but may also be available for college students.

What Programs/Degree/Diploma to Study Abroad?

The choice of programs, degrees, and diplomas to study abroad will depend on a student's academic interests, career goals, and personal preferences. However, some popular programs, degrees, and diplomas that students may consider studying abroad include:

  1. Bachelor's degree: A Bachelor's degree is an undergraduate degree that typically takes four years to complete. This degree is offered in a variety of fields, such as business, engineering, arts, sciences, and many others.
  2. Master's degree: A Master's degree is a graduate degree that typically takes 1-2 years to complete. This degree is typically offered in a specialized field, such as Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Science (MS), or Master of Arts (MA).
  3. Doctorate degree: A Doctorate degree is the highest level of academic degree and typically takes 3-5 years to complete. This degree is offered in various fields such as Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Medicine (MD).
  4. Diploma programs: Diploma programs are shorter in duration and offer specialized training in a particular field. These programs may range from a few months to a year and can be a good option for students who want to gain specific skills.
  5. Language courses: Language courses are designed to teach a foreign language and can range from basic introductory courses to advanced level courses. Language courses are an excellent option for students who want to improve their language skills and gain cultural exposure.
  6. Study abroad programs: Study abroad programs are short-term programs that allow students to study a particular subject or topic in a foreign country. These programs are often focused on cultural, historical, or social topics and can range from a few weeks to a few months.

Students should consider their academic interests, career goals, and personal preferences when choosing a program, degree, or diploma to study abroad. It's important to research the requirements and application process for each program, and consult with academic advisors or study abroad counselors to ensure a successful study abroad experience.

Where to Study Abroad?

There are many destinations around the world where students can study abroad. The choice of destination will depend on a student's personal preferences, academic interests, and career goals. Some popular destinations for studying abroad include:

  1. United States: The United States has many top-ranked universities and offers a diverse range of programs and majors. Students can also benefit from cultural experiences and exposure to the world's largest economy.
  2. United Kingdom: The United Kingdom has a long history of academic excellence and is home to some of the world's most prestigious universities, including Oxford and Cambridge. Students can also explore the rich cultural heritage of the country.
  3. Canada: Canada is known for its high-quality education system, welcoming attitude towards international students, and beautiful landscapes. Students can choose from a wide range of programs and degrees.
  4. Australia: Australia offers a relaxed and laid-back lifestyle, high-quality education system, and a diverse range of programs and degrees. Students can also enjoy the country's beautiful beaches and natural landscapes.
  5. Germany: Germany is known for its strong economy, innovative technology, and high-quality education system. Students can benefit from world-class research opportunities and programs taught in English.
  6. Japan: Japan is known for its unique culture, technological advancements, and high-quality education system. Students can benefit from a range of programs taught in English and cultural experiences.

Top Countries Rankings and scores to Study Abroad (QS Rankings)

Here are the top 10 countries for studying abroad, along with their respective scores according to the QS World University Rankings 2022:

  1. United States - Score: 100
  2. United Kingdom - Score: 98.2
  3. Canada - Score: 93.7
  4. Germany - Score: 92.5
  5. Australia - Score: 91.6
  6. France - Score: 89.5
  7. Netherlands - Score: 88.2
  8. Switzerland - Score: 86.5
  9. China - Score: 81.4
  10. South Korea - Score: 80.5

These rankings and scores are based on various factors, including academic reputation, employer reputation, faculty/student ratio, citations per faculty, international faculty ratio, and international student ratio. However, students should keep in mind that rankings are just one aspect to consider when selecting a country to study abroad. Other factors, such as language requirements, culture, lifestyle, cost of living, and available scholarships, should also be taken into account when choosing a destination for higher education.

Top Universities at Popular Study Abroad Destinations

Here is a table of top universities in popular study abroad destinations according to the QS World University Rankings 2022:



QS World University Ranking

United States

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)



Stanford University



Harvard University



California Institute of Technology (Caltech)



University of Chicago


United Kingdom

University of Oxford



University of Cambridge



Imperial College London



University College London (UCL)



University of Edinburgh



University of Toronto



University of British Columbia



McGill University



University of Alberta



University of Calgary



University of Melbourne



Australian National University (ANU)



University of Sydney



University of Queensland



Monash University



Technical University of Munich (TUM)



Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München



Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin



Heidelberg University



Freie Universität Berlin



Université PSL



Sorbonne University



Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon



Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL) Research University Paris



Ecole des Ponts ParisTech


Note: The table lists only one university per country and is not an exhaustive list of all the top universities in these countries. The ranking position is based on the QS World University Rankings 2022.

How to Study Abroad?

Here are the general steps to study abroad:

  1. Research your options: Start by researching the countries, universities, programs, and courses that interest you. Look for information about admission requirements, deadlines, and costs.
  2. Choose a destination and a university: Once you have a better understanding of your options, you can choose a destination and a university that best suits your interests, academic goals, and budget.
  3. Check the admission requirements: Make sure you meet the admission requirements for the university and the program you're interested in. This may include submitting transcripts, test scores, essays, letters of recommendation, and language proficiency certificates.
  4. Apply to the university: Submit your application to the university before the deadline. Make sure you follow the instructions carefully and provide all the required documents.
  5. Apply for a student visa: If you're accepted, you'll need to apply for a student visa to study abroad. Check the visa requirements for the country you'll be studying in and start the application process as soon as possible.
  6. Plan your finances: Studying abroad can be expensive, so make sure you plan your finances carefully. Research scholarships, grants, and other forms of financial aid that may be available to you.
  7. Prepare for your departure: Once you have your acceptance letter and student visa, start planning your departure. This may include booking flights, arranging housing, and packing your belongings.
  8. Arrive at your destination: Once you arrive at your destination, attend orientation sessions, get to know your surroundings, and meet other students. Make the most of your study abroad experience by immersing yourself in the local culture and taking advantage of the opportunities available to you.

It's important to note that the specific steps may vary depending on the country and university you choose. Make sure you do your research and seek advice from your university's study abroad office or a professional education consultant to ensure you have a successful study abroad experience.

Tests to Take

If you're planning to study abroad, you may need to take one or more standardized tests to meet the admission requirements for your chosen university or program. Here are some common tests to take:

  1. English Language Proficiency Tests: If English is not your native language, you may need to take an English language proficiency test such as the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System). These tests measure your ability to read, write, speak, and understand English.
  2. Standardized Tests: Depending on the program and university, you may need to take standardized tests such as the SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) or ACT (American College Testing). These tests measure your academic abilities and readiness for college-level courses.
  3. Graduate Admission Tests: If you're applying to a graduate program, you may need to take a graduate admission test such as the GRE (Graduate Record Examination), GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test), or LSAT (Law School Admission Test). These tests measure your knowledge and skills in a specific area of study.
  4. Subject-Specific Tests: Some universities may require you to take subject-specific tests such as the AP (Advanced Placement) or IB (International Baccalaureate) exams if you're applying for a particular program or major.

Make sure you check the admission requirements for your chosen university or program and plan to take the necessary tests well in advance of the application deadline. You can find test dates, registration deadlines, and test preparation resources on the official websites of each test.

Student Visa for Study Abroad

To study abroad, you'll need a student visa from the country where you'll be studying. Make sure you start the visa application process well in advance of your departure date, as it can take several weeks or months to obtain a student visa. You may also want to seek advice from your university's study abroad office or a professional education consultant to ensure you have a successful study abroad experience.

The type of visa you will need to apply for depends on the country you will be studying in and the length of your stay. In most cases, students will need to apply for a student visa or a study permit.

It's important to check the specific visa requirements for the country you plan to study in and gather all the necessary documents well in advance of your intended travel date. Additionally, it's recommended to consult with a professional education consultant or the study abroad office of your intended university to ensure that you have all the necessary documents for a successful visa application.

You will get more details about Student Visas for Study Abroad: Requirements, Fees and Application Process here.

How much does it cost to Study Abroad?

The cost of studying abroad can vary widely depending on the country, university, program, and other factors such as the cost of living. Here is a table of estimated tuition fees and living costs for some popular study abroad destinations:


Undergraduate Tuition Fees (per year)

Graduate Tuition Fees (per year)

Living Costs (per year)


$25,000 - $50,000+

$25,000 - $50,000+

$15,000 - $20,000+


£10,000 - £30,000+

£12,000 - £35,000+

£10,000 - £15,000+


CAD 15,000 - CAD 30,000+

CAD 10,000 - CAD 30,000+

CAD 10,000 - CAD 15,000+


AUD 20,000 - AUD 45,000+

AUD 20,000 - AUD 40,000+

AUD 20,000 - AUD 25,000+


No tuition fees for undergraduate

€10,000 - €20,000+

€8,000 - €12,000+


€3,000 - €12,000+

€3,000 - €20,000+

€10,000 - €12,000+


SGD 10,000 - SGD 30,000+

SGD 15,000 - SGD 30,000+

SGD 10,000 - SGD 15,000+


¥535,800 - ¥1,013,900+

¥535,800 - ¥1,013,900+

¥1,500,000 - ¥2,000,000+

New Zealand

NZD 20,000 - NZD 40,000+

NZD 25,000 - NZD 45,000+

NZD 20,000 - NZD 25,000+

Hong Kong

HKD 100,000 - HKD 400,000+

HKD 100,000 - HKD 400,000+

HKD 120,000 - HKD 180,000+

Please note that these costs are only estimates and may vary based on factors such as the location of the university, the specific program of study, and the individual lifestyle of the student. It's important to carefully research the costs associated with studying abroad and budget accordingly to ensure a successful study abroad experience.

Study Abroad with Scholarships

Studying abroad can be a significant financial investment. However, there are many scholarship opportunities available to help students offset the costs. Scholarships are often awarded based on academic merit, financial need, community involvement, and other factors.

Here are some ways to find scholarships for studying abroad:

  • Research scholarships offered by the government or private organizations in your home country. Many countries offer scholarships to students looking to study abroad.
  • Check with the universities you are interested in attending to see if they offer any scholarships specifically for international students.
  • Look for scholarships offered by international organizations such as the Fulbright Program, the Rhodes Scholarship, or the Erasmus+ program.
  • Use scholarship search engines such as or to find scholarships that match your qualifications and interests.
  • Consider crowdfunding platforms such as GoFundMe or Kickstarter to raise funds for your study abroad experience.

It's important to note that scholarship opportunities vary by country and program, so it's essential to start your scholarship search early and apply for as many scholarships as possible. Applying for scholarships can be a competitive process, so be sure to read the eligibility requirements carefully and submit all required materials by the deadline. With some research and effort, it's possible to find scholarships that can help make studying abroad more affordable.

Here's a table showcasing some scholarship opportunities and their award cover/amounts for selected countries:



Award Cover/Amount


Fulbright Scholarship

Full tuition, fees, living expenses, and round-trip airfare


Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

Up to $5,000


Marshall Scholarship

Full tuition, fees, and living expenses for up to three years


Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program

Full tuition, fees, and living expenses


Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship

$50,000 per year for up to three years


Trudeau Foundation Scholarship

Up to $40,000 per year for up to three years


Chevening Scholarship

Full tuition, fees, living expenses, and round-trip airfare


Rhodes Scholarship

Full tuition, fees, and living expenses for up to three years


Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan

Full tuition, fees, and living expenses


Australia Awards Scholarship

Full tuition, fees, and living expenses


Destination Australia Scholarship

Up to $15,000 per year


Endeavour Leadership Program

Up to $272,500 for study, research, or professional development


DAAD Scholarship

Full tuition, fees, and living expenses


Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Scholarship

Up to €861 per month


Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarship

Up to €1,200 per month


Japanese Government Scholarship

Full tuition, fees, and living expenses


Rotary Peace Fellowship

Full tuition, fees, and living expenses for up to two years


Monbukagakusho Scholarship

Full tuition, fees, and living expenses

It's important to note that these are just a few examples of scholarships available in each country, and scholarship opportunities and award amounts are subject to change. Students should research scholarship opportunities thoroughly and apply to as many as possible to increase their chances of receiving financial support for studying abroad.

Comparing Immigration Policies of Popular Study Abroad Destinations:-

Here is a table comparing the immigration policies of popular study abroad destinations:


Post-Study Work Permit

Permanent Residence Pathway

Family Sponsorship

Citizenship Requirements


Optional Practical Training (OPT) for up to 3 years

Employment-based immigration

Yes, for spouses and children

3-5 years of residency, English proficiency, and knowledge of US history and government


Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) for up to 3 years

Express Entry System for skilled workers

Yes, for spouses, partners, and children

3-5 years of residency, language proficiency, and knowledge of Canadian history and government


Graduate Route for up to 2 years

Skilled worker visa and other options

Yes, for spouses, partners, and children

5-6 years of residency, language proficiency, and knowledge of UK history and government


Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) for up to 4 years

Skilled worker visa and other options

Yes, for spouses, partners, and children

4 years of residency, language proficiency, and knowledge of Australian history and government


Jobseeker visa and Blue Card for highly skilled workers

EU Blue Card and other options

Yes, for spouses and children

8 years of residency, language proficiency, and knowledge of German history and government


Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services visa for highly skilled workers

Points-based system for highly skilled workers

Yes, for spouses and children

5 years of residency, language proficiency, and knowledge of Japanese history and government

It's important to note that immigration policies are subject to change, and students should always consult the relevant government agencies for the most up-to-date information.

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Study in Top Countries

Explore 2000+ top universities across countries. These countries offer a diverse range of universities, with many offering quality education, research opportunities, and a unique cultural experience. It's important to research and consider various factors such as the cost of living, language, fee-structure, admission process, scholarship availability and undergraduate & postgraduate course or program you're interested in before making a decision. Here are some of the top countries known for their education system and popular study destinations for students:









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