BPSC CCE 69th Exam Date 2023 Released: Bihar Public Service Commission has released the BPSC 69th Notification 2023 for the recruitment of 442 vacancies (Increased) for Level-9 and Level-7 posts on its official website i.e. bpsc.bih.nic.in . Every year, Bihar Public Service Commission conducts BPSC Combined Competitive Examination to shortlist eligible graduates for various posts including General Administration Department (Subdivision Officer) / Preferential Sub-Committee and equivalent officers of General Administration and other posts of Bihar Civil Services. Is.
BPSC has announced all important dates related to the BPSC 69th exam along with the official notification. The BPSC 69th Prelims Exam is going to be conducted on 30th September 2023. Check the important dates for the BPSC 69th Notification from the below table.
BPSC 69th Events | Dates |
BPSC 69th Notification2023 | 27th June 2023 |
Online Registration Starts from | 15th July 2023 |
Online Registration Ends on | 09th August 2023 |
BPSC 69th Prelims Admit Card | September 2023 |
69th BPSC Prelims Exam Date | 30th September 2023 |
BPSC 69th Prelims Result | Notified soon |
Official website | bpsc.bih.nic.in |
BPSC has notified the eligibility criteria for Bihar civil service exam 2022. The BPSC eligibilitydefines the age limit and educational qualification for all the categories. It is important to go through the eligibility criteria to avoid disqualification from the exam.
Age LimitTo apply for the BPSC Exam, the BPSC age limit is defined for different categories. The BPSC age limit for general male is 20 - 37 years. The BPSC upper age limit for the remaining categories are:
Category | BPSC Upper Age Limit |
General Category – Male | 37 years |
General Category – Female | 40 years |
BC/OBC (Male, Female) | 40 years |
SC/ST (Male, Female) | 42 years |
For the Deputy Superintendent of Police post, the minimum ae eligibility is 20 years.
Age RelaxationBPSC has defined special provisions regarding age relaxation for several categories. BPSC age relaxation for ex-servicemen is 3 years plus the years of service, conditionally the applicant is not above 53 years of age. For the applicants applying under the Persons with Disability (PwD) category, the age relaxation of 10 years is given.
BPSC has also defined age eligibility for government servants who have been in continuous service for at least three years. The upper age limit is relaxed by 05 years.
BPSC has increased the vacancy by a further 4 for the 67th BPSC exam 2022. BPSC had earlier notified the 555 vacancies for the 67th BPSC exam 2021-22 which are now increased to 802 for the general administrative department. Before this, BPSC had increased the vacancies for the BPSC 67th exam which was 794 for Jail Superintendent and Labour Enforcement Officer. However, as per the latest notice, the vacancies for the BPSC exam are now 802.
BPSC shall publish the 67th BPSC admit card 2022 on the official website 10-15 days before the exam date. As per the unofficial sources, the 67th BPSC exam is to be held on 20 and 22 September 2022 in two shifts. However, no confirmation has been made in this regard officially. We shall update the direct link to download the call letter here once it is officially released on BPSC website.
The selection process for the BPSC exam is based on the Preliminary Exam, Main Exam, and Interview. Candidates who will complete the exams and the interview will get shortlisted for the BPSC CSE
All the applicants must have a fair understanding of the BPSC Syllabus for Prelims and Mains exam. BPSC Syllabus consists of the syllabus for both BPSC Prelims and BPSC Mains examination.
Prelims SyllabusThe BPSC Prelims Syllabus is mentioned below
The BPSC Mains Syllabus is mentioned below
General Hindi Paper (only qualifying in nature, 30 marks are required)
General Studies Paper-1
General Studies Paper-2
Candidates must go through the detailed BPSC exam pattern that consists of Prelims, Mains and Interview for their exam preparation. Below you can check out the Prelims and Mains paper pattern that gives you a brief of the examination process.
Prelims Exam PatternBPSC Combined Competitive Prelims exam consists of only one paper which is General Studies (GS) will be an objective type. The exam duration is 2 hours, carrying a total of 150 marks. Before you appear for the exam, make sure you are well aware of the latest BPSC Exam Pattern
Subject Name | Total Marks | Time Duration |
General Studies | 150 | 2 hrs |
BPSC Mains exam pattern is four papers i.e. General Hindi, General Studies Paper-1, General Studies Paper-2 and Optional Paper.
Sr.No. | Paper | Total Marks | Duration |
1 | General Hindi | 100 | 3 hrs |
2 | General Studies Paper-1 | 300 | 3 hrs |
3 | General Studies Paper-2 | 300 | 3 hrs |
4 | Optional Paper | 300 | 3 hrs |
Total Marks | 1000 |
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