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IDBI SO 2025 Exam

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About IDBI SO Exam

Know about IDBI Bank SO Recruitment: Industrial Development Bank of India came into being in the year 1964 as an Act to give credit as well as other money-related offices for improving the young Indian industry. In the beginning, it worked as a backup for the Reserve Bank of India RBI and then moved to GOI. Several establishments of national significance got their foundations in IDBI like Sidbi, Exim bank, NSE, and NSDL. The IDBI Bank has now released a notification for IDBI Bank SO Recruitment 2022 and details about the same are as follows:

IDBI SO Exam Date

The online registration process for IDBI SO Recruitment 2023 will start from 21st February 2023 and continues till 03rd March 2023 and for other important dates, refer to the below table. 

Events Dates
IDBI SO Notification Release Date 15th February 2023
Online Registration 21st February 2023
Last Date to Apply 03rd March 2023
Last Date to Pay Application Fee 03rd March 2023
Last Date to Print Application Form Notified Soon
IDBI SO Online Exam Date Notified Soon

IDBI SO Eligibility

It is advised to check the eligibility criteria for the smooth flow of the application form:

  • For the post of Agriculture Officer, Fraud Risk Management –Fraud Analyst, the candidate’s age should be 25 to 35 years
  • For Faculty – Behavioural Sciences, Transaction Monitoring Team – Head, the appropriate age should be between 35 to 45 years
  • To apply for Fraud Risk Management – Investigator (Checker), the applicant’s age should be 28 to 40 years
  • If you are applying for Agriculture Officer then the candidate must have done graduation with a minimum of 60% marks in Agriculture/Veterinary Science/Horticulture/Fisheries/Dairy Technology & Animal Husbandry from ICAR recognized agricultural university.
  • If you are applying for Faculty – Behavioural Sciences then the candidate must be a Postgraduate in Psychology or relevant behavior sciences/MBA in HRM.
  • For the post of Fraud Risk Management, the applicant must have completed graduation in Commerce with at least 60% marks.
  • To apply for Transaction Monitoring Team – Head, the candidate must be a graduate with Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)/CA/ MBA.

IDBI SO Vacancy

IDBI Bank has announced 114 Manager, Assistant General Manager, and Deputy General Manager vacancies through IDBI SO Recruitment 2023 for Digital Banking & Emerging Payments (DB&EP) and Information Technology & MIS (IT & MIS). Check the complete IDBI SO Vacancy 2023 distribution as tabulated below. 

IDBI SO Vacancy 2023
Department Manager Assistant General Manager Deputy General Manager Total
Digital Banking & Emerging Payments (DB&EP) 42 07 02 51
Information Technology & MIS (IT & MIS) 33 22 08 63
Total 75 29 10 114

IDBI SO Vacancy 2023- Categorywise
IDBI SO Vacancy 2023- Categorywise
Posts UR SC ST OBC EWS Total
Manager- Grade B 31 12 05 20 07 75
Assistant General Manager (AGM) - Grade C 13 03 03 08 02 29
Deputy General Manager (DGM) - Grade D 04 02 -- 03 01 10
Total 48 17 08 31 10 114

IDBI SO Admit Card

The dates will soon be released for the Group Discussion Round. After validating all of their requisite information, applicants can download their respective Admit Cards from the official website. The steps below explain how to download the Admit Card:

Step 1: Step 1: Visit the IDBI website where you can find recent announcements and links to recruitment drives

Step 2: Find the 'IDBI SO Admit Card 2023' link. Click on it and select the desired post

Step 3: A new page will appear asking you to enter key details such as the Application ID and Password that were generated during your online registration process

Step 4: Make sure to enter the correct Captcha text and click the ‘Submit’ button

Step 5: Submit your recent passport size photograph and click ‘Submit’

Step 6: In this stage, you will be asked to pay the application fee. Pay the required amount and click the ‘Submit’ button

Step 7: Download the Admit Card and take a printout for future correspondence

IDBI SO Salary

The accurate and complete knowledge of IDBI SO salary 2022 fuels motivation among the candidates. The salary witnesses a surge and variance in accordance with the posts. The Industrial Development Bank of India offers a lucrative sum to the candidates and they are also entitled to numerous emoluments and allowances that add up to the fascination of the job. For the details of the IDBI SO salary 2022, take a look at the illustrated information of the salary details as mentioned herein. 



Manager Grade B


Assistant General Manager Grade C


Deputy General Manager Grade D


IDBI SO Selection

The candidates must be in possession of in-depth knowledge of the IDBI SO selection process 2022 and you can get the complete details of the same. The primary round of the selection process is the screening of the documents and analyzing whether the candidate is eligible for the exam or not. 

The eligible candidates who will be fulfilling the eligibility criteria will be called for the interview process. The cut off marks will be released by the concerned authorities of the bank. The candidates who are not selected in the personal interview will not be taken into consideration for the subsequent selection process. It beholds high essentiality for the candidates to put their best foot forward in the selection process in order to get the desired result and land the aspired job profile. 

The candidates can get complete information about the essential documents that must be presented by the candidates to be able to get through the selection process. Get a look at the checklist of all the documents furnished herewith.

  • Printout of online application
  • Print of call letter
  • Date of Birth proof
  • Photo ID proof
  • Marksheets and provisional certificates

IDBI SO Syllabus

Candidates should be aware of the syllabus before appearing for the examination. Given below are the topics from which the candidate has to prepare:

Subjects Syllabus
General Awareness Knowledge of Current affairs, Culture, and history of India including freedom struggle, Indian Economy, Indian geography, Indian Polity and constitution, Environmental issues concerning India and the World, General scientific and technological developments, etc.
Reasoning and General Intelligence Blood Relation, Syllogism, Number Puzzle, Venn Diagrams, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency,  Analogy, Series, Coding and Decoding, Mathematical Operation, Conclusions and Decision Making, Classification, Direction and Distance, Statement and Reasoning.
English Language Reading Comprehension, Jumbled Sentence, Phrase Replacement, One Word Substitution, Error Spotting, Active Voice and Passive Voice, Sentence Improvement, Cloze Test, Fill in the Blanks, Wrong Spelt, Direct and Indirect Speech.
Quantitative Aptitude Number System & Simplification, Probability, HCF & LCM, Algebraic Expressions and in Equalities, Average, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Simple & Compound interest, Ratio and Proportion & Partnership, Mixture & Allegations, Time and Work & Pipes and Cisterns, Speed, Time & Distance (Train, Boats & Stream), Mensuration, Trigonometry, Geometry, Data Interpretation, Number Series,  Number System, Speed, Distance and Time, Time and Work.
Banking Awareness Central Bank Names Of Different Countries, Bank Tag Lines, Banks Headquarters List, List of Regional Rural Banks, List of Foreign Banks, Head Quarters And Their Taglines, International Banks and Headquarters, International Organisation Head Quarters, List of Abbreviations, Finance commission and Committees, List Of Countries And Their Capitals And Currencies, List of Private Sector Banks And Their Headquarters & Taglines, RBI Governors, International Head Quarters, Banks and Their Terms

IDBI SO Exam Pattern

Test Name No. of Qs. Max Marks Duration
Logical Reasoning, Data Analysis & Interpretation 60 60 02 Hours
English Language 40 40
Quantitative Aptitude 40 40
General / Economy / Banking Awareness / Computer / IT 60 60
Total 200 200

IDBI SO How to Apply

The online link has been activated from 25th June 2022 and it will be closed on 10th July 2022. The eligible and competent candidates can fill up the application form before the last date. You must ensure applying for one post to get the complete details.

It is highly advised to the candidates to fill in only one application form, as in case you have filled multiple applications the last application will be considered and the rest will be forfeited. You will not be able to withdraw your application once submitted.

Application Fee

The IDBI apply online form 2022 will not be accepted without the application fees. It varies in accordance with different categories. After filling in accurate credentials in the IDBI SO apply online form, you need to proceed further to pay the application fee. You can make payments by numerous gateways such as credit cards, debit cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards, Mobile Wallets. The candidates will have to pay the transaction charges as well.

Category of applicant

Application Fee

General, Economically Weaker Sections [EWS], OBC [Other Backward Classes]


Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classes


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) IDBI SO Exam

Q. What is the Syllabus of IDBI SO Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest syllabus of the IDBI SO exam. The syllabus of IDBI SO comprises the topics and sub-topics under sections, Knowledge of IDBI SO syllabus helps candidates to focus on their preparation and important areas of each subject.
Q. What is pattern of IDBI SO Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest exam pattern of the IDBI SO exam . The pattern of comprises the subject wise pattern and no. of questions will come in exam, go to our article section of exam pattern for more details.
Q. Which is the best Mock test series for the IDBI SO Exam?
A. At Studyclap, candidates can practice a complete set of Mock Test Series, along with a free mock test designed by our well qualified and expert faculty Team.
Q. How to prepare for the IDBI SO Exam?
A. To prepare for IDBI SO exam, candidates should go through the exam syllabus and exam pattern, solve mock tests, practice previous years' question papers. Try to clear the concepts of each and every topic rather than cramming. Set a time to go over the chapters, Differentiate weak areas and work to improve them. Solve puzzles to improve logical skill.
Q. How to Download IDBI SO Exam Syllabus PDF?
A. Candidates can download IDBI SO exam syllabus PDF from our website for free. Candidates need to only register with us to download the exam syllabus.

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